A decorative mirror is a wonderful way to add style and elegance to your living room. These mirrors add so much detail, decoration, and function to your home. In fact, decorative mirrors give the room a more sophisticated look. Below are few tricks to getting and hanging the perfect choice of mirror in your living room.

1.    The position

It is important to get a very good position, which is why you have the mirror. The position of the mirror can provide beautiful results if it is well and properly placed. Hanging it on the same wall as the windows in the room is probably not the best idea. Think about what you hope to get out of your mirror in order to get the varying possibilities. For example, if you hope to give your room a brighter look, then it is advisable to hang it on the wall opposite your windows. This will ensure the light from the windows reflect off of the mirror. As a result, the room will seem brighter than it really is.

If you have a smaller living room, hanging a larger mirror on a big wall will reflect the room and make the space seem bigger than it is. There are so many things a mirror can do for you. Besides being functional, mirrors can be pretty too, so be sure you hang it in the best place possible in your home.

2.    Make it unique to you and your home

You are unique and so is your home. Your mirror should reflect that. Do not just head out to a shop looking for a mirror that will “do the job”, rather seek out a mirror that strongly appeals to your sense of style and personality and you are guaranteed this will make your living room one of a kind.

3.    The size of the mirror

The size of the mirror can influence the impact you want to create. The selection of size should be based on whether you want the mirror to be a focal point, an accent or merely act as the background. Choose the size that is appropriate for the wall you selected. For instance a small mirror will look lost in a large wall.

4.    The shape of the mirror

A long horizontal shape will serve to accentuate the width, as it helps to balance the height, while vertical shape will call attention to the height. A square or rectangular shape will give an orderly restrained look.

So now you have a few tricks up your sleeve, go out there seeking the best mirror for your space and add some beauty to your living area






  1. TOILET – The toilet area is one of the best places in a living space you can install an illuminated mirror. The mirror obviously acts as a source of illumination for the toilet area especially if you happen to be spending a little extra time in your toilet (brushing your teeth or doing your make up etc)

Illuminated mirrors can come with touch only function, switch button function, sensor function and other accessories like shaver sockets can be attached. As the mirrors come in various styles and sizes, choosing the style you want in your toilet can make a fundamental difference to the look of your toilet.

Illuminated mirrors are also ideal for toilets in public spaces like restaurants, bars, hotels etc. Having an illuminated mirror in these places will definitely make your customers smile from end to end as they take extra glance to see themselves.


  1. HOME ENTRANCE – We all desire to make a solid first impression and this is particularly relevant when it comes to receiving visitors in your home. An illuminated mirror well positioned can provide that extra style you are looking for and increase the wow factor for your space to the next level.


  1. CORPORATE LOBBY RECEPTION – Quite similar to home entrances, the same impression is desired by businesses and other corporate bodies that seek to portray a professional but stylish view of their business to the world. The lighting and design of an illuminated mirror will make visitors appreciate the space and their surroundings better.


  1. DRESSING ROOM – We all love to see ourselves looking fabulous and beautiful or handsome especially before stepping out of the house. A long illuminated mirror can act as a dressing mirror that will bring out the Hollywood star or fashion icon inside of you.


  1. LIVING ROOM – Any style of decoration in a living area is always welcomed. Some interior designers use illuminated mirrors as art pieces on a bright wall or as a secondary source of illumination for times when you want a softer lighting for your space. Similar to decorative mirrors but with the extra lighting touch, the illuminated mirror is perfect for any living area.